Frameworks, tools and methodologies are not enough to improve project (or product) success. Your mindset needs to change.

Trustworks Academy is focused on helping you get the necessary mindset.

We offer a variety of talks and training courses designed to meet the needs of both beginners and seasoned IT professionals. Our courses are hands-on, interactive, and led by industry experts.

Shift Your Mindset To Ensure Project Success!

There are six perspectives you need to wrap your mind around:

  1. Shift your focus from output to outcome
    Don’t focus on what is shipped on a specific deadline – but on the value that is created for your customers and your business.
  2. Put users at the centre of your world
    Elevate user needs to be at the same level as business needs. Focus on creating both user and business value.
  3. Embrace the cross-functional nature of digital development
    Reject the siloed model where deliverables are handed off at stage gates. Focus on team decisions while leveraging the knowledge and expertise each team member brings to the decision making.
  4. Externalise your thinking and map out what you know
    Step beyond the comfort of the written (or spoken) word and allow for spatial reasoning and graphical documentation.
  5. Be experimental – and evidence-based
    Identify assumptions and gather evidence. Don’t rely on gut-feeling or inclinations.
  6. Discovery happens throughout the development process
    – not just at the beginning. Infuse discovery continuously to help ensure you build something that your users need and will enjoy.