At Trustworks we pride ourselves on taking a different approach: a different approach to working with clients and a different approach when hiring. It all starts with our six guiding principles – or DNA-strands if you will.
See below what they mean to us in our daily endeavours.
Trustworks DNA is defined by the people who work here.
Together we live and develop our culture and our reason for being.
Most companies have a mission and a vision – and their employees have no clue what it means to them in their daily work. We try to do better.
We try to incorporate our DNA every day. And if what we do, do not contribute to our overall purpose, we try to rectify it. While we respect the opinion of our clients, our colleagues are the best people to keep us honest!
Check out the video and get insights into who we are and how we work!
You can also read a portrait of Trustworks employee Emilie Kent or Trustworks founder Thomas Gammelvind to get more of an idea of what we do – and how. Both are in Danish, though.
Clock Building Not Time Telling

Our clients are our partners and reason for being. We do prefer to help them get to a point where they can help themselves
Continuous Improvement

We never STOP learning or educating ourselves!
Show It and Tell It

We share everything we learn, rather than compete with each other.
We Believe in Talent and Passion

We fundamentally believe that strict KPIs and Performance Management philosophies DO NOT fit well in a 21st centuries organization – we put our faith in Talent and Passion.
Good People

We are a diverse team with significant experience and knowledge. We work hard to ensure that there is a match both professionally and personally
At the Forefront of Theory and Praxis

We constantly strive to develop ourselves and others in a continuous and fast pace to deliver the best services on the market.