We like to share our knowledge. Not only in written form, but also by spoken word.
Trustworkers IRL shouldn’t be missed!

This is an overview of where we are scheduled to appear – some of the talks will be at closed gatherings, so feel free to get in touch to make sure you can get in! … Or if you want to set up a repeat performance.


Elvi Nissen teaches the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

The annual Trustworks conference on digital business development and innovation will be held at Langlinie Pavillonen.

Elvi Nissen teaches the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

Rasmus Frandsen teach the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

Rolf Molich teaches the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

Rasmus Frandsen teach the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

Per Ökvist and our own Jeppe Cramon feature in the first Copenhagen DDD meetup of 2024. Focus is on practical event modelling.


Ida Hupfelt fortæller om, hvordan de nødvendige sikkerhedsforanstaltninger kan implementeres, samt hvordan du kan arbejde med cybersikkerhed og NIS2 som en delmængde af din business continuity management.

Elvi Nissen teaches the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

Our Chief Culture Officer Michael Bruun Ellegaard and the rest of the talent acquisition team will join the DTU Career Night. Not only to promote Trustworks but also to get better acquainted with the needs and passions of the candidates.

We do want to be an attractive and meaningful place to work. So please drop by and help us get wiser.

Rolf Molich teaches the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

Rolf Molich teaches the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

The annual Trustworks conference on digital business development and innovation will be held at Langlinie Pavillonen.

We’ve teamed up with Simon Østengaard from Tryg who will talk about cloud. And Ida Hupfeld will be ready to talk NIS2 with you at the Trustworks stand.

Did you miss it? Contact Ida for more information on NIS2.

Rasmus Frandsen teaches the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

Trustworks sponsors the UX camp in Copenhagen

Elvi Nissen talks about the full-stack approach to User Experience. Did you miss it? Contact Elvi for a repeat perfomance!


Rasmus Frandsen and Anna Mette Hansen teach the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

FOREFRONT er en pulje af viden. En pulje som er blevet til gennem mange års erfaring i samarbejde med vores samarbejdspartnere.

Konferencen er dedikeret til forretningsforståelse på grund af forretningsanalytikerens afgørende rolle – nemlig at behovsafdække og forstå det problem, som vi søger at løse. Dét er første skridt til at løse de rigtige problemer.

Kom med til FOREFRONT – dagen hvor vi informerer, inspirerer og sætter fokus på disciplinen forretningsanalyse i samarbejde med inspirerende talere og konferencedeltagere.

Tjek konferencesiden for nærmere beskrivelse og tilmelding.

Elvi Nissen teaches the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.

Trustworks sponsors the UX camp in Copenhagen

Elvi Nissen talks about the zoom levels in a user journey. Did you miss it? Contact Elvi for a repeat perfomance!

Rasmus Frandsen and Anna Mette Hansen teach the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards.

See course description for further details.


Elvi Nissen teaches the UXQB curriculum – and delegates may be certified afterwards


Elvi Nissen talks about UX and AI at IT-branchen – in cyber space, of course!

Sign up on the IT-Branchen- homepage.

At some point in the future – post The Great Corona Quarantine of 2020 – Tommy Sørensen will be talking about project management at ITU – it’ll be a (Ka)hoot!


When the world revolves backs to normal and Corona is only mentioned in the history books Mikkel Frederiksen – will be Trustworks’ contact for ITU Match Making. But for now we stay at home.

Henrik Kjems invites you to an inspirational afternoon – with sharp presenters and soft bubbles.


Lars Albert Beck Thomsen pitches and facilitates panel debate at Copenhagen Fintech Week.

  • Insurtech and Pensiontech in Denmark
  • How does the newcomers and incumbents innovate within F&P
  • Trustworks focus on “please, steal my idea – the hardest part is not the ideas but the execution”

Elvi Nissen talks about explaining UX to management at IT-branchen.